Which Manufacturing Processes Require Automation?

Jack Mathew
2 min readFeb 19, 2020

Automation tools can regulate and streamline the various moving parts of the procedure. From project management to document processing to conversion, connecting it all results in quicker engineering change orders, faster time to plug, fewer errors, and more competence overall.

The manufacturing industry is conversant in the advantages of automation. But why should the technological developments of automation be restricted to the factory floor? Manufacturers also can usher in new automation and AI-assisted competencies to the work they are doing at a desk. at present, nearly half all regular, mid-office data work is often automated.

Targeting this field of labor for digital manufacturing is that the prospect of staying competitive during business-facing globalization, industry 4.0 disruptions, and increasing customer expectations. The following are a couple of manufacturing areas where one should apply process automation to spice up operational efficiency and improve customer experience.

The innovation, introduction, and development of products will need tons of heavy document work and interaction between departments like production and engineering. Design sheets, CAD/ CAE drawings, research compilation, manuals, standards and specifications, inspection checks, and other documents, and spreadsheets for tracking are required to urge from the concept to production. the number of internal handoffs and supplier communications through several documents and platforms produce bottlenecks if not appropriately orchestrated.

Automation tools can regulate and streamline the various moving parts of the procedure. From project management to document processing to conversion, connecting it all results in quicker engineering change orders, faster time to plug, fewer errors, and more competence overall.

Supplier and materials management are frequently comprised of manual, unplanned processes throughout most supplier portals, Vendor Management Systems (VMS), internal systems of record, documents, and email communications. Procurement automation tools can simplify these processes involving supplier requirements, relationships, and therefore the ordering of products and services.

Below are some examples:

• Document generation can generate automatic RFPs.

• Mechanical emails can make supplier communication easy.

• Optical character recognition can read and process data in invoices.

• Automated web forms can help in compliance review and supplier data management.

• Predictive modeling can make approvals in minutes or improve complete forecasting.

Organizing these repetitive, high-volume methods can cause faster fulfillment and augmented revenue by increasing output.

Source — Manufacturing Technology Insights

