How Essential is CAD/CAM Technology?
Source — Applied Technology Review
CAD/CAM is utilized by drafters across dozens of specialties that include aeronautical, architectural, civil, electrical, electronics, pipeline, mechanical, and photovoltaic drafting.
FREMONT, CA: With computers getting more affordable and getting down to the size of desktop PCs, the utilization of CAD/CAM expanded beyond the automotive, aerospace, and electronics industries to serve as a near-universal usage. Earlier, it witnessed the appearance of 3D modeling and 3D designs, with programs that included the well-known AutoCAD system.
To this point, CAD/CAM was additionally used to design industrial tools. Manufacturers gave utmost importance to CAM for its precision and capability to optimize the manufacturing method, reduce material waste, abridge turnaround times, and provide more precise visualizations. In the present time, the CAD software market has been facing the emergence of free and open-source CAD software.
The competence and user-friendliness of CAD/CAM software have come to a point where the career of the trained drafter might be threatened one day by the software that can be used everywhere. There are a few trends that might show the next great leap in CAD/CAM technology that can be seen in the future:
Artificial Intelligence:
Leveraging AI into design software helps in automation of design tasks, improves quality control by predicting design errors, and paves the way with machine learning for the creation of unique designs without any human interference.
Cloud Collaboration:
Cloud technology provides CAD/CAM to go beyond a single computer at a place of work to universal access via the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model. It means several people can work on the same project at one point in time while sharing across departments and geographies that have gotten much easier.
Virtual reality:
VR glasses and helmets can be utilized to experience a life-like visualization offered by modern CAD software. For example, an architect who is building a structure can walk through the site as a digital model and plan accordingly.
Software providers are making a shift from a one-size-fits-all solution to offer the alternative of configuring CAD/CAM to suit the work environment as well as choose only the tools that will be needed for a specific job. It can be considered as a method to offer affordability by deleting dozens of features that the average user might never require.