How Cognitive AI in Healthcare can Enhance Organizations
Cognitive AI systems are collaborative, contextual, and, crucially, adaptive in that when new knowledge comes to light, they learn and develop dynamically.
Fremont, CA: Cognitive AI integrates data from various sources in multiple formats and can assess these data to generate insights. In its capacity to imitate how the human brain operates, this type of AI differs from others. AI is trained to work with humans, helping in other ways to better the work we do or meet needs. Early adopters of cognitive technology see them as vital to their organization’s potential success and the opportunity to develop digitally.
Work Faster, Quicker, And Smarter
Many operations are still manual and largely unautomated in healthcare revenue lifecycle management. However, a system bolstered by cognitive AI could simplify the diagnostics made by doctors in real-time as the doctor types their notes, with the rest of the necessary back-end processes, including billing, which currently occupies time that could be spent attending to patients. Or consider how hospital pharmacies currently serve a large hospital. Prescriptions are now redirected to the nearest pharmacy by the AI engine, irrespective of its ability to promptly process the request, depending on personnel, availability, inventory levels, and how busy the rest of the hospital is. Read More…