How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Business

Jack Mathew
3 min readSep 20, 2019


Business models have developed over the decade of manufacturing and marketing to the era of connection and intellect. Over the years, the advance of Artificial intelligence (AI) has radically reconstructed the very definition of beliefs, innovation, and imaginations. As a consequence, the industrial world is witnessing a dramatic change in the relative equilibrium of intelligence power between companies across different divisions.

Commerce and trade are already modifying AI capability across countries. Rich or poor, advanced or advancing, the AI technology has raised the innovative bar for nations and created a distinctive opportunity for their companies to move forward and advance.

Although, access to technology and data is universal, what is non-prevalent is how each corporation utilizes the knowledge. While emerging technology levels the playing field, it becomes essential to comprehend other parameters, which will help in determining individual and collective success of AI integrated businesses.

Overcoming Data Challenges

In the following years, businesses and enterprises across nations are expected to face obstructions and differences. Experts and practitioners believe that automation-driven development in varying situations is likely to be a distinctive constant. Growth, however, implies more intellect from information harnessed through linked tools, social media, sector information, and more that it captures the ability to revolutionize business models in AI-driven automation systems.

Companies are starting to understand the consequences of how the new data-driven reality of artificial intelligence brings a whole new world complete of possibilities and hazards to each company across nations. Furthermore, it will take time to fully fathom the changing AI-driven automation ecosystem far beyond confined applications of conventional methods.

Business Model Transformation

As everything is getting connected, companies now have the opportunity to collect more erudition, obtain impressions, and innovate. Resulting to which, the market place is increasing leaner activities, vibrant enterprises, increased revenues, informed customers, and dynamic companies. However, not only does AI change the way companies operate, but it also essentially transforms the conventional thinking and significance of cooperation, competition, and innovation. Moreover, the AI projects generate competitive benefit by enhancing present attempts, implementing unique ideas for overlooked markets, or generating new markets.

AI and RPA Together can Enhance the Business Growth

Robotics process automation helps to cut off the operational errors and enhance productivity. The only drawback with RPA is that it does not have the ability to learn, think, and analyze. This situation necessitates the use of Artificial Intelligence into the process.

RPA and AI are two distinctive technologies, but often contributing towards the significant growth of a company by providing a competitive edge for the business in the market. RPA is an automated system which can reduce the human efforts by automating the data-entry operations without making any faults whereas AI works on speech and image recognition, decision making and prediction methods.

Contribution of RPA in AI app learning

AI apps can deal with more sophisticated software rules with ease and attain another level of intelligence going through the process. To execute several operations in any organization, there is a need to gather a large set of data which is always challenging in AI effective programs. Collection of more critical data on which AI apps run can be done with the help of RPA, and it also helps in speeding up the process with high performance.

How AI assists RPA tools?

Contribution of both the technologies in a business can provide higher efficiency by performing incomparable tasks. Connecting with AI technology, RPA tools can focus more on collecting critical data, and that gathered information will help to make better decisions. RPA based programs can utilize AI-program details to determine the original proposal for a particular business.

The collaboration of AI technology with RPA made this automation process to advance by providing more efficiency and also propelling towards the best capabilities and success in the business of an organization with better customer services.

See Also: CIOReview Magazine Medium



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