4 Fintech Trends That Can Shape the Future

Jack Mathew
2 min readSep 2, 2020


This investment will take into dramatic time and price savings and enhancements to service offerings from financial institutions. Here are the highest five fintech trends everyone should be watching in 2020 because they’re going to impact anything that involves money.

Hyper-personalization via big data and AI

For many years, marketing experts embraced the advantages of personalization to draw in customers and keep them loyal. Currently, big data and AI has helped to process, store, and drive insights from the knowledge , hyper-personalization is feasible on an unprecedented scale. Financial institutions have information about their customers’ behavior and social and browsing history. AI facilitates real-time omnichannel assimilation of those insights to supply a customized one-to-one marketing experience for his or her customers when the knowledge is very relevant and useful.

Check Out — Financial Tech Review


Blockchain is a private immutable file that’s decentralized and distributed, is disrupting the financial institutions. Blockchain can make things highly efficient within the financial services industry. Since fraud and fraud cost the financial institutions billions of dollars annually, blockchain can save the industry from witnessing these significant losses. Financial institutions will use blockchain for smart contracts, identity management, digital payments, and trading shares.

Robotic process automation (RPA)

In 2020, robotic process automation (RPA) will still impact financial institutions to assist them be more efficient and effective and help ensure they meet federal and state compliance requirements. Today’s advanced RPAs do not have to be programmed explicitly to perform tasks; they will observe what the humans do then automate or suggest improvisations to processes. This consists of processes like customer onboarding, risk assessments, verification, security checks, data analysis and reporting, compliance processes, and most other repetitive administrative activities.

Conversational interfaces

Chatbots are alleged to interact with the purchasers of most of the banks and businesses. By eradicating the human involvement in these interchanges, productivity, and speed improvements. consistent with one report, financial chatbots save quite four minutes on every interaction. this is often a booming area due to the progress made in tongue processing and speech generation.

